The Salvation Bookmark

Get the bookmark that has been distributed in over 13 countries, 140+ prisons, plus numerous schools, offices, restaurants, hospitals, and more. With a circulation of over 600k copies, this bookmark has been translated into multiple languages around the world and is THE easiest way to share the gospel with others. Purchase a pack today to “bookmark” someone else’s journey towards salvation and gain a relationship with Jesus Christ.


Is it possible to increase your church attendance and get everyone involved in church growth? YES. This book reveals everything you need to know.


This is a real story about real people of Southside Baptist Church, located in Rocky Mount, NC, who took a leap of faith and experienced phenomenal growth. This book is filled with many ideas that led to revitalization & turnaround.

Learn how we grew from 100 to 305 in one week


About the book

Learn about the story of Southside Baptist Church and how it grew tremendously in one week. How to profile your church and develop a growth strategy that will transform your church. This book reveals facts, insights, obstacles and tips about revitalizing your church.

Click here for your FREE download.


about the author

Learn about Dr. Harry Fowler and his experience in helping churches grow.